Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Coconut chutney for Dosa or Idli made the Tamil way

Coconut chutney made in the traditional Tamil way is a must for Dosa or Idli along with Sambar for the family.I would like to share the recipe here, its a quite common one, if you like it try it in your kitchen to go with Dosa or Idli.

Ingredients :

1: Coconut, fresh ( frozen, shredded works well too.
    Just need to thaw if frozen)                                          -   1 Cup     

2: Pottukadala/ roasted bengal gram                                -  1/4  cup

3:  Green chilly                                                                  -  6 or 7 or as required for taste/ degree of heat

4: Ginger                                                                          - a small piece, an inch long

5: Coriander leaf/Cilantro                                                  - a few sprigs

6: Curry Leaf                                                                    - 2 sprigs        

7: Garlic                                                                           - 1 piece

8:  Salt                                                                             - to taste

9: Urad dhaal                                                                  - 1 tsp

10: Mustard seeds                                                            - 1 tsp

11: Oil                                                                             - for garnish


Grind all the ingredients from 1 to 8 adding enough salt to taste with a small amount of water to make into a paste with chutney consistency.

Put the chutney in a bowl and heat a Tava or a pan, adding 2 tbsp oil to it for garnishing. when the oil heats up, add the mustard seeds and let them splutter, then add the urad dhaal and curry leaves and fry them for a few seconds and take off the stove. Pour this garnish over the chutney. This chutney does not need to be heated or warmed before garnishing. One point to be kept in mind is this is best used fresh and maybe good until the next day. 
The fresh coconut chutney

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