Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Red n Hot Spicy Mackeral Curry

I made this curry yesterday as I had some Indian Mackeral in store in the fridge. I had also made some tapioca and rice to go along with it. This is quite a real spicy curry and the color itself denotes the degree of heat it contains. You always can adjust the amount of chilly powder according to your taste. This is one way of making fish curry with Kudampuli or Kerala tamarind or Gambooge.


1: Mackeral or Sardine                                            -  Mackeral-4 cut into small pieces
                                                                                    or a bunch of Sardines

2: shallots                                                                - 7-8 in no.s

3: Tomato:                                                                - 1 diced

4: Garlic                                                                   -5 no.s

5: Ginger                                                                  - an inch

6: Green Chilly                                                          - 2 split

7: Red chilly Powder                                                - 2-3 tbsp

8: Coconut                                                              - 1 cup ground to a paste

9: Turmeric powder                                                - 1 tsp

10: Kudampuli or Gambooge                                    -  3-4 pieces soaked in water

11: Fenugreek or Venthayam                                   - 1 tbsp

12: Salt                                                                 - to taste

13: Curry leaves                                                  - 1-2 sprigs

14 : Oil                                                                - 3 tbsp

                                                         Kudampuli or Kerala Tamarind or Gambooge

Cooking Instructions:

Take the red chilly powder and turmeric powder and add a little water to it and make it into a thick paste and keep aside. Now, either pound the garlic and ginger together or coarsely grind them and set aside. Meanwhile, take the Kudampuli and soak it in half a cup of water and keep aside.

Once the onion and green chilly is cut, add oil to a pan and heat it. Add the fenugreek/ Venthayam and let it slightly brown. Now add the pounded ginger and garlic and stir until the raw smell is gone.

To this add the sliced onion/ shallots and the split green chilly. Stir it around for a bit and mix in the tomato.
When you have nicely fried all the ingredients, add the chilly paste into the pan and stir it around well.
Cook it until almost all the water is gone and you can almost see the oil straining out of the mixture.

Now add all the tamarind/Kudampuli along with the water into the spicy mixture and stir it well and add some salt to it.

On the side, take the shredded coconut and grind it into a fine paste and add that too into the curry and let it boil and cook all of it very well.

Check for spices and salt and then add the pieces of Mackeral or the whole sardines to the curry and cook it again for some time until the fish is fully cooked. Before turning off the stove, add the curry leaves in. This red, hot ,spicy fish curry goes totally well with Kappa or tapioca.

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